Let me introduce my first standalone mod of taxi traffic cars! I’ve always wanted to create taxi pack on my own, and thanks to my first steps in Blender, I was able to finally make it!
All taxis are and will always be based on SCS vehicles. That way the mod is compatible and fits-in for anyone playing the game, whether used with Jazzycat’s AI cars or only with SCS basic traffic.
Currently there are taxis for these countries:
Austria, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Italy, Poland, Russia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden and Turkey.
More taxis and countries are planned.
Compatible with: Taxi Traffic Pack by Traffic_Maniac, AI Traffic pack by Jazzycat, any other AI mod or map mods.
Incompatible with: German Taxis by d-LuX (Steam Workshop mod)
Credits: Egon, credits to SCS, Traffic_Maniac, Termit
Download Mod (ETS2 1.53, Mod version 1.0 – 02.01.25)
Robert67 on Harsh Russia. Zabaikalie R6 V1.52