v1.0 features:Adapted to ETS2 1.52-1.53.xBetter compatibility with other mods.R...
Fixed a few things, removed both Volvo until they are fixed correct in mod.They...
V1.3 ChangeLog:updated to 1.52-1.53I Rebuilded all this Car From ZeroI added in...
We’re proud to share the Mercedes-Benz New Tourismo 16 RHD mod, a highlight of ...
Standalone truck– For sale at a mod dealer– Custom tuning– Own interior– Own wh...
Changelog v.1.53– adaptation for ETS2 1.53 Credits: Cip Download Mod (ETS...
StandaloneBought into the property6 different trailer options12 cargoSold in th...
Update for ETS2/ATS 1.53– Follow the recommended load order from the picture at...
on ETS2 1.53 - Toyota Corolla 2018