Hello everyone! You can download the Çankırı Özlem skin that I made for the Mer...
The vehicle is as shown.Everything Works Active Credits: Faruk Aygun Down...
Features:– 3 Different Front Bumper Options– 3 Diffuser Options (Carbon, Piano ...
This modification adds quality and makes the dashboard of the New Generation DA...
Changelog 1.7: New content:– new region Octans with 5 cities– reworked city:...
Version 1.6 Changelog:updated to 1.53xI Rebuilded all this Car From ZeroI added...
Changelog V1->V1.1– The 12-speed gearbox was replaced with the original one, an...
– 4×2 5440E9 chassis– engine Daimler OM 501 Euro-5– Own PROSTOR-series interior...
on ETS2 1.53 - Toyota Corolla 2018