Version Changelog:
–Added new NNMap Road Connection
Version 3.5.2 Changelog:
-Added fix-connector with Project Russia adaptation
Version 3.5 Changelog:
-Bug fixed
Version 3.2 Changelog:
-Adaptation for 1.53
Version 3.1 Changelog:
-A connector with RusMap is integrated into the modification, which preserves Kolomna from RM, and also, no less importantly, a connection with Penza is built
-As part of the adaptation to the RM connector, the np Shilovo was temporarily cut out
Version 3.0:
2 new regions (Republic of Mordovia and Penza region)
8 new cities
The level of detail of new cities has been increased
Also in the archive is a fixed connector with an NNMap card (be sure to put it up in the mod manager)
The map adds part of the M5 Ural highway to the game, in particular the territory of the Ryazan and Moscow region
Credits: Miha
Download Mod (ETS2 1.52, Mod version 3.0 - 16.11.2024)
Download Mod (ETS2 1.52, Mod version 3.1 - 20.11.2024)
Download Mod (ETS2 1.53, Mod version 3.2 - 28.11.2024)
Download Mod (ETS2 1.53, Mod version 3.5 – 05.12.2024)
Download Mod (ETS2 1.53, Mod version 3.5.2 – 31.12.24)
Download Mod (ETS2 1.53, Mod version – 02.01.25)
Rasel on Reber Logistic Combo Pack V1.0