Mercedes Benz Travego 16 SHD BE Konfor Turizm Skinpack
We are here with the Konfor Turizm New Coating of the Mercedes Benz Travego 16 SHD Black Edition Euro 6 model developed by the Heavy Vehicles Turkey team. You can also support us by joining us…

Credits: Project Owner: Heavy Vehicles Turkey / HVT, Model: İsmail Arslan, Edit, Convert: Harun Aras (KskLi1453), Other 3D Models: İsmail Arslan, Harun Aras, Emin Doğuş Güraksın, Textures: Emin Doğuş Güraksın, Skin, Logo: Yusuf Temel for ARRAPREKLAM, Sound: EVR, aLmono, SCS, NeX, Harun Aras
Download Mod (ETS2 1.53, Mod version 1.0 – 11.12.24)
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