FSC Star 200 truck mod compatible with Euro Truck Simulator 2 version 1.53.
3 Cabins: 200-244-266
5 chassis:266_6x2 4×4 traction,244_4x2 4×4 traction,200_4x2,4x4t 4×4 traction,4x2t
4 engines
3 transmissions
2 internal models of which the 266 is purely military.
Cabins, bodies and tarpaulins all skinnable. Dedicated tires and rims.
Trailers: We have 5 trailers. 1 Bdf 2 lowered with military loads 3 single tarpaulin semi-trailer
4 Power generator that also accelerates loads in the game 5 2-axle trailer
The entire mod is based on the military type but you can easily skin everything on the civilian one.
on ETS2 1.53 - Toyota Corolla 2018