Version 4.3 Changelog:– Fixed mirrors– Edited some materials– New physics– Re-t...
It different before any mod about the qualityHigh Quality interior and exterior...
FULL version includes:Truck and trailer integrated in one mod.Truck and trailer...
– Standalone– For sale in DAF;– Completely custom appearance;– Cable support;– ...
Includes:– Detailed Model– HQ Model– HQ İnterior– Added interior shadows– Speci...
Changelog v1.4:– Bugs fixes– Fixed metadata– Added compatibility for 1.52 Fe...
-Super Space Cab-4×2,6×2 Chassis-4 Engines-Original Stock Interior-12 speed + r...
-4×2 Truck Chassis-6×2/4 midlift Chassis with Tent Container-330, 360, 370 L6 E...
on ETS2 1.53 - Toyota Corolla 2018