ETS2 Truck Mods

Volkswagen Constellation V1.0

– High and low roofs– Several different chassis– All engines and transmissions ...

Scania T V1.0

5 Cabins: Small, Long, Sleeper with windows variants6 Chassis with 3 Tandems, C...

Howo Max V1.3

– Standalone truck;– Sale at a mod dealer;– 1 cabin;– 2 chassis;– Own interior;...

Kamaz 5490 Neo/65206 V1.52

– 2 Cabin Options– 4 Chassis Options– 4 Engine Options– 4 Transmission Options–...

Kenworth T680 V1.0

– Independent.– In prescribe auto DAF– Spelled out in traffic– Spelled out in t...

Scania R500 V1.0

It different before any mod about the quality– High Quality interior and exteri...

Mercedes 1518 NA Cacamba V1.0

Rebuild this car– I up the quality exterior and interior– I add color beige int...

Ford CLT-9000 V1.5

Features:– Standalone;– 3 Cabs;– 5 Chassis;– Skins;– Sounds;– Interior (4 Optio...