Includes3 Cabins: Daycab, 48/70″ Sleeper9 Chassis options: 4×2, 6×2, 6×4 + midl...
Changes v5.3:Fixed & reworked front and side mirrors.Cargos adapted to late...
Version 2.6.0:– Compatibility for 1.53– Fixed crashes and textures This is a...
Fully Animated on Exterior cam (like Door, Porta, Baggage, and window).Fully An...
FULL version includes:Truck & trailer integrated in one mod.Double trailers...
– Purchase at Iveco dealerships;– 7 chassis including low;– own interior (2 opt...
Dina 9400i International 50 optional Credits: autos y car Down...
ATTENTION: The files below named FIX are to be used TOGETHER with the sounds of...
baijianqing on Mercedes-Benz New Travego 15 SHD V1.53
tosa on Turkish Radio 2025 V1.0
Artemua on Clima Graphics V3.1
baijianqing on ETS2 1.53 - Volkswagen Meteor V20.0