Changelog 1.7: New content:– new region Octans with 5 cities– reworked city:...
We present the new EAA map for Euro Truck Simulator 2. Enjoy the emotions of th...
Version 1.5.2 Changelog:The Baltika and Elektroshchit plants in Alekseyevka wer...
We completed all the sections, 2 new farms, a logging site, a sugar cane planta...
Update: 10/17/2024– Adaptation for game version 1.52 Corrections were made: ...
HM v0.9.34 – compatibility update for ETS 2 version 1.53– minor fixes D...
– 106 locations– Cities in the states of Minas Gerais, Paraná, Mato Grosso do S...
a- Inclusion of the cities of: * South: Nazca, * North: Chimbote, * East: Jauja...
baijianqing on Mercedes-Benz New Travego 15 SHD V1.53
tosa on Turkish Radio 2025 V1.0
Artemua on Clima Graphics V3.1
baijianqing on ETS2 1.53 - Volkswagen Meteor V20.0